Set Weights / Categories for Assignments

To enter categories/weights simply:

  1. Log in and click on "Class" at the center top of the screen
  2. Select a class from the boxes by clicking on the image for the class you wish to add or edit categories/weights      
  3. Click on "Settings" in the bottom left hand corner of the screen
  4. Click on the grey bar titled "Assignment Categories"
  5. Below "Category" enter the first category (Test, Quiz, Participation, etc.) for the subject you have selected
  6. Click "Add More" to enter more categories

    Note: Once entered, you can choose to weight these or not

  7. To weight the categories, click "yes" above the categories and enter the weight beside each
  8. The weights must equal 100%
  9. If not weighted, click no and all categories will be averaged equally
(You will need to do this for each subject individually and the fastest way to do this is to click on the drop down menu where the subject name is showing and select each one until they are all entered)


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