Add / Edit Grade Levels

To Add Grade Levels for your school:

A. Click on you name in the top right corner

B. Click on Set Up

C. Click on Grade Levels to the left

D. Click on "Add Grade Level" to the right

E. Check the box beside the grade level you want to add

F. Select the category to which this grade level will belong(Elementary = Once-a-day attendance; Secondary = Attendance each class period)
Note: If you have multiple classes for one grade level, check the box that allows for this and name each sub class you add.

G. Save

To Edit Grade Level(s) for your school:

A. Click on you name in the top right corner

B. Click on Set Up

C. Click on Grade Levels to the left

D. Click the pencil to the right of the grade level you wish to edit

E. Edit the names or sub class names

F. Save
Note: Once the year has begun and attendance has been taken, you cannot edit the attendance type for the grade levels.

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