Setting up Behavior Experience

Using the Behavior Experience in your portal allows you to track a student's behavior score, based on either positive or negative behaviors. As you add behaviors to a student, their score will change. You can then add value codes to determine what that student's score signifies.

  1. Enable Behavior Experience: This will turn on the feature. The default feature is called "Discipline" and is strictly based on a demerit type of system. The behavior experience allows both positive and negative behaviors to be taken into account.
  2. Enable Behavior For: You decide which groups of users you want to view the behaviors: Teacher, Parents, and/or Students. The final option, Admin Review, is selected if you want an admin to review a particular behavior event before it goes to the parent.
  3. Create your Categories: In the top right, there's a "Add New Category" button. This is where you will enter the specific type of category that carries a positive or negative number. Your staff will use these categories when they are assigning behaviors to a student. In the example below, both demerit and merit-style categories are added.
  4. Add Behavior Value Codes: As behaviors are added to a student, they will generate a behavior score. Based on your school's behavior policy, enter the ranges that each score will fall into. These codes can be printed on report cards to inform the parents of the score's meaning.
    1. The legend will be below the area you enter the categories in Setup, and will also be available on report cards to explain the behavior score.

    1. The behavior score total will be available on report cards. This number will be determined by totaling all of the behaviors within the report card's selected time range ( eg. Grade Period 1, Grade Period 2, Grade Period to Date)

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