Admin Setup - Roles and Permissions

The ability to create and assign Roles and Permissions can be enabled for one or more admins. The administrator(s) assigned this permission will be able to limit certain functions or views for their staff's user accounts.

Basics on Roles/Permission:

1. Assign a "master" admin. One or more admins can be given the ability to create and assign roles. The main school admin should contact a MySchoolWorx support team member and let them know which admin will be enabled with this capability. 

2. Create the desired roles. Once an admin account is enabled, go to Setup>Roles/Permissions: (NOTE: If the admin is not enabled, the Roles/Permission section will not appear in Setup.)

A. Click 'Add Role' and a form will pop up to create the new role.

B. Name the Role. (i.e. Coach, Admin Assistant, etc.)

C. Check each boxes that will apply to this role. (NOTE: If the box is grayed out, it does not apply to the permission.)

1.) District, Reports, Class, and Administrative Setup

a.) District: this applies ONLY to schools with two or more portals. If your school has only one portal, leave these unchecked. If your school has more than one portal, checking "Access" next to Admin/Teacher/Parent District user will allow these types of users to be connected between the portals. (NOTE: If your school has more than one portal, you will need to assign a role with these selections to your own profile as well.)

b.) Reports: This will determine what level of access the user has for Report Cards, Custom Reports, Transcripts, and Honor Roll

c.) Class: This will determine what level of access the user has for the Grade Book area and the Assignment area. 

d.) Administrative Setup: If this is checked, the user will be given the "Setup" button to adjust school settings. If it is not checked, the "Setup" button will not appear for this user.

2.) Access, Create/Edit, and Delete:

a.) Access: Clicking Access gives the user to view the selected area. If only 'Access' is selected, it will create a read-only view for that section. For example, if a Role is created and 'Access' is the only permission selected for each section, then the user will have a read-only type of role. If 'Access' is not selected, the user will not see those sections.

b.) Create/Edit: Clicking Create/Edit will allow the user to create new reports, assignments, etc. or edit ones that have been made already either by themselves or another user (if this user is an admin.) 

c.) Delete: Clicking Delete will enable the user role to delete reports, assignments, grades, etc. 

D. Save at the bottom to finish creating the role.

3. Assign the role to the user's profile. Once you've created the role, go to the User's profile and assign that new role to the appropriate user. 

A. Go to the User's profile.

B. Click on the Roles field, and the role(s) you've created will appear for you to select.

C. Click Save. 

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